Each product in our collection was crafted around 7 intentions with a purpose to raise intentional awareness expressing the truth of our love within. 


Each intention is to align to a heart-centered state of awareness. It is when we choose to align with these heart-centered states of awareness, that we align with our inner truth as the Divine awareness of love. In doing so, we become clear of the light that shines from within, and create the possibility for transformation, growth, and healing in our lives.


When we align with the heart-centered state of awareness, TRUST, we find ourselves feeling safe and secure in the world. We trust that no matter what is happening around us, all is happening as it should be. We trust that the universe is providing all that we need in this very moment. When we trust, we let go of our every worry, fear, and doubt – and we knowwe know just how supported, loved, and eternal we truly are.

Mantra: I am. I am. I am.


When we align with the heart-centered state of awareness, Acceptance, we know our self-worth and Divine perfection just as we are. We embrace our creative and feminine flow and feel into the fluidity of our sensual side. We love who we are from the inside out, and accept all is exactly as it should be.

Mantra: I love and accept myself for who I am.


When we align with the heart-centered state of awareness, Gratitude, we are grateful for all that we have in our lives. We are grateful for our blessings and even our challenges, knowing the strength that is gained from each experience. In this offering of gratitude, there is a balance of giving and receiving freely from a place of love. As we give from our hearts, we allow ourselves to receive the possibility of the same love back to us in unlimited forms and blessings. 

Mantra: I am allowing myself to give and receive freely from a place of love.


When we align with the heart-centered state of awareness, Love, we know ourselves as love. The love within us emanates the love all around us. It is the very substance of which we are made through Divine creation. Love has no barriers, but is all encompassing as we hold tender compassion within our hearts for ourselves and others. What touches one heart, touches many. 

Mantra: I am Love.


When we align with the heart-centered state of awareness, Joy, we bring light and laughter wherever we go. This joyful light is a magnetic force that attracts even more joy to ourselves and those around us. When in joy, we tune into our playful side, and live life to the fullest within each and every moment. It is the laughter of joy that fills the air!

Mantra: I am joyful in this moment.


When we align with the heart-centered state of awareness, Serenity, we let our worries of the world melt away. The mind gets still and we feel at peace within ourselves, and a sense of harmony in our life. We quiet the mind, so that we may listen to the inner truth. This truth comes from an inner knowingness that has been there all along.

Mantra: I am the stillness that lies within.


When we align with the heart-centered state of awareness, Unity, we are ONE, and yet we are ALL. We are one with all of creation. Picture in your mind an image of an apple that is split in half. The apple is split, but it is still from the same Source. In this place of Unity, we are no longer in our singularity, but in our wholeness. It is in this place of Unity, where all things become possible.

Mantra: I am one with all of Divine creation.